
The men and the women need total re-orientation all together.

Some women are even against women taking leadership post in many organisations, worse than some men themselves. This is the highest level of low-self-esteem, the parameters maybe accustomed oppression, ignorance, phobia, manipulation, and brainwashing. People who love this continent, will fight hard to make it better, whether they are males or females. Talking about a better Africa, It is best achieved, when both gender roll this out in a Supplementary and complementary manner and no one sees the other superior or inferior, nor a competitor all together

Note: Gender equality, is not gender competition, it’s a call for equal opportunity to move and stay ahead be a woman or man.

Believe me, over the years working with female leaders, and community women, is great and fun being around the female folks. This is what I noticed about them in a short phrase

"They design emotionally, plan clearly and execute squarely"
Empowring and Paving way for women leader, Thousands reached already. 

This is one reason I normally give up leadership post to women willingly in many occasions, whenever there is a Tie (I wish this had happened in Taraba-Nigeria or in Somalia too). Indeed, this is the best method (normally, perceived complicated by the male folks) and formula to having a greater marriage, a perfect family, a peaceful nation, a smart environment as well as an enviable Nation.

Calling a spade a spade, the playing field (of politics with respect to gender equity) is not balanced. So imbalanced that we begin to question the parameter around this. We need more women in the political hemisphere, FIFA, CAF, Sport, international bodies, Organisation, Government, and even municipal participation. The field of play have been long hampered by culture first, religious second, and politics lastly.

We are set to re-orient as many Africa Girl-Child on Leadership functions. 

Interestingly, things are now changing as girl-child now aspire beyond being a baby mama, and living to be slayed. We are thousands of leaders committed to catalyze this change, by telling and educating our young girls that, being woman is multi-task, is an advanced human hood and they must be God fearing, disciplined, focus, and persevere.

Once that can happen, men will begin to see women beyond the kitchen and the other room, even if they are wired that way too, but they are more than that; hence, men must see them as national pride.

Women are generally human course driven, and wired multi-lateral and tasked to the course. 
 When you give a woman a sperm, she gives you a baby
When you give her trouble, she gives you tsunami
When you give her joy, she cherishes you and give you world class tranquility

More of the reasons, why women must be raised and supported by men in the right culture, and environment free of atrocities and impunity. Our women should stay away from looming corruption, malpractice, and bribery killing Africa. Once women are involved, beginning to think of the ripple or multiplier effects. Women should use their humanitarian cords and networks of core values to bring the needed change in Government agencies, communities, ministries, states to make a better Nigeria, A greater Africa, and a more peaceful world.

#Happy IWD

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